Socialife News Sign-In Functionality Termination Notice
Please be aware that as of May 22, 2017 we will no longer provide sign-in functionality in the Socialife News app for Facebook, VKontakte, or SEN accounts. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Socialife New sign-in and all registered information associated with sign-in will be removed upon termination of the functionality on May 22. For that reason, we ask that clients signing in with the Socialife News app update to the latest version of the News Suite app on the Google Play Store.
*When updating to News Suite, the RSS feeds, my keywords, and bookmarks registered with Socialife News are all imported into News Suite.
Update with Google Play
The changes associated with the News Suite update are listed below. Please read through and note the changes.
[Changes Associated with News Suite Update]
- App name change from Socialife News to News Suite.
- Icon design change.
- Icon display named change from "News Socialife" to "News".
- User interface overhaul.
- Ability to read news for each category.
- The following functionality can be used by all users.
- “My Keyword” Function
- Bookmark Function
・ Functionality Terminated
- Synchronization of articles on created news lists or bookmarks across devices.
- Reading and posting functionality on Twitter, YouTube, and VKontakte.
*Articles can still be shared and posted by linking with apps provided by the companies that provide each of the services. Please press the share button when the article is displayed and select the company's app.
*When starting the Socialife News app on or after May 22, the "Use with default Settings" selection will be displayed. If you select this, you will be able to continue to use the Socialife News app, but please be aware that all RSS feeds and keywords associated with your account will be deleted.
*The News Suite update is for Android smartphones and tablets running Android 4.1.0 or later (excluding Sony and Vaio Socialife News and the Sony Tablet S).
We hope that you will continue to use our services as News Suite.